Tuesday 30 September 2008

1001 Nights by Jananne Al-Ani

Although this video was very short it seemed very long because of the way it was recorded which was quite predictable. There were five women sat next to each other or maybe standing because you can only see the top half of them, only the face and shoulders. All the women looked mature round the ages between late 20s to mid 50s. The video seemed very dull as there was hardly any colour but just a black screen, it looks like it was filmed on a plain film set with five women sat or stood there each taking turns to speak for about a minuet each. One by one spoke. The actresses all had their eyes closed until it was their turn to speak. In my opinion film was boring because of its content and subject how ever director and producer structured it well and the timing of actors was great.

KOYAANISQATSI- Life Out Of Balance

This movie showed how life moves around and gave the sense that life is just like a circle where things do go wrong and you have to build yourself and pick yourself up and start over fresh. the movie started of with bombs going off, lots of smoke, fire and misery. At the beginning of the film the images shown are very disruptive which contradicts the music because the audio was had calm sounds.

Tuesday 23 September 2008


This place was once a place of enjoyment now an empty shell of old decking and tables, their life soaked up by the sun. In my opinion this place was enjoyed by tourists and locals having tea, coffee, hot foods and ice creams with a beautiful view in front of them to enjoy.

The Nastiness of Brighton

This picture below taken in Brighton doesn’t look like the beautiful seaside resort does it? You can see its not what you expect to see in a location like Brighton. The seaside’s of Britain are used and abused and not respected. Not only it looks disgraceful it affects people living there and brings down standards. This place is obviously not cared for because this little corner of trash was actually locked up and smelt really bad.

What is experimental video

Experimental video is a way in which people can express their views and art work using moving images. The videos can represent a persons feeling or their point of view on a certain subject or topic. They project their thoughts not just in words but using images. It can contain cut video clips from other videos and different sounds to create such video. In my opinion it's like painting a picture using art materials but with moving pictures put together. An experimental video can make up different ideas up in your head and even make you change your opinion on a certain something. For an assignment I would expect to make my own video and write about what it represents and what I researched to produced it.