Friday 14 November 2008

exhibition space to create meaning

Susan Hiller film work was in a dark room with five big screens. Each one of them showed clips of different films which had telepathic elements and things around movement using eyes and thoughts. There were seats for the audience to sit on with the screens around the seating area. Throughout the clips there was a rhythm of drum beats. The room was blackened out and each one of the screens had a tint of colour and there was a change every couple of minuets with the TV buzzing and the clips changing from screen to screen with a repetition.Jonas Mekas work was like Susan millers blackened room but only with one screen with black and white images of a couple who get married and party. The film had a sinister twist and the flickering effect gave the idea that something bad was going to happen. I liked the way the film was viewed in a small dark room with no other distractions around so you really get the feel of the film and get hooked on to what the film is really trying to represent.Dominique Gonzalez work was interesting with the large open space, bed frames laid out throughout the big warehouse-type space and big sculptured placed in certain places. I felt distracted by the surroundings to watch any of the film also the film was quite fuzzy to watch and there was no proper seating area for an audience to watch.