Thursday 16 October 2008

--How these works might inspire my own work

The videos that inspired me the most were Simon Ellis’s video ‘Telling lies’ and Doll Face by Andy Haung. ‘Telling lies’ was filmed in a clever and humorous way, this is what inspired me the most and I took in to account that the topics in experimental videos aren’t always serious like Koyaanisaqatsi and 1001 Nights in which the theme was around war and conflict. I think ‘Telling Lies’ was trying to put a point across it’s like going inside someone’s real thoughts and how seeing and hearing isn’t always for believing, Simon Ellis demonstrates issues well and the way he interpreted it was well done. ‘Doll Face’ inspired me with the use of computer generated images and the meaning behind the video was an obvious modern concern of image of us as people and how some of us copy what we see on TV and how obsessed we are with how we look and would go to drastic measures to ‘get the look’.
In my video I will use some of Koyaanisaqati idea of pace through the audio. Because the film started with slow music giving the viewer a sense of beginning, it then carries on the music goes faster then slows down again near the end. I think it gives a good effect to a film and makes it more interesting to watch. I want to use Simon Ellis’s video idea where he shows how people act in different situations and what they say to deceive someone, and say things when they actually mean something else. I will base my video around a letter which includes all types of emotion and use a rainbow of colours to represent emotions for example red for anger, yellow for happiness, green for jealousy etc.

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