Wednesday 17 December 2008

Evaluation of video

my video "life is like a rainbow" wasn't as good as i liked it to have been. overall i thought the film was of an average standard and reasonable. i think i tried too hard for the idea and think i should of thought of a simpler subject. my video was about emotion and feeling and that is a lot to put together in a space of 5 minuets. my video did not flow as well as i had planned it. through the feedback i received some people obviously didn't understand what was going on because of the short little scenes of the actress angry on the phone then going upstairs to calm down then in another scene she is happy when she receives some presents. then there is a scene of her walking through a grave yard showing sadness and at the end, there is jealousy/ revenge of her scratching the car and trying to break the window of the car and running away. [to be continued]

dairy of filming

I tried to stick to my original plan of my video with a girl’s dairy entry and I went of the idea of a dairy entry and decided to do emotions within a person and the use of colour to represent the feeling. My video is very similar to my anamatic using the colour and emotions. When I started filming the first scene I got very critical the first time round and wanted perfection so I got my actress to do each of the scenes a number of times and I cut the clips that I thought were reasonable for my video. My filming schedule wasn’t followed promptly but I still got the filming done in the time I had with my actress. I managed to do the outside filming after finishing work and did the first scenes at home in an evening and the other scenes such as the car scene was done in another day. I didn’t think the filming would be such a challenge but this wasn’t the case it proved to be difficult because the actress was young and not very experienced in acting as the whole film was about emotion it needed facial expressions to really show my point but of view. Once I had come up of the idea of colour and emotion I put together the video filming around everyday use of things. Overall the filming went well because I did do retakes to use the best footage for the film even though my actress did complain a lot about doing this but I still ensured it happened. I found the editing easy once I got the hang of it. I did a once over with the effects and found the video wasn’t very clear so I deleted all the effects and re did the effects with a help of a classmate with experience of usage on another editing programme.

Tuesday 16 December 2008

My questionnaire for my Experimental video "life is like a rainbow"

Questionnaire of my experimental video
Zoyia’s Life is Like a rainbow

1. Did you enjoy watching it?

Yes No Some parts

2. Was there anything about the video you didn’t understand?

3. What was the best effect used in the film?

4. Did you understand the concept of it, if so what was it?

5. Did you like the music; did it match the video itself?

6. What could I have done to improve the video?

7. Rate the video 1 being the least and 5 being the most.

1.Poor 2.Good 3. Alright/Average 4.Satisfactory 5.Excellent

My exhibition

My exhibition will be shown in a classroom, blacked out with two spotlights to reflect the use of colour in my video. It will be on view on 15th December 2008 to students from the college. I will also post it online on to youtube for a different view on the video in an open, comfort environment to see if the videos concept is as obvious as it is in my controlled exhibition. In the classroom it will be on a projector screen with between 10 to 20 seats in a semicircle with the spotlights going over the audience.