Wednesday 17 December 2008

Evaluation of video

my video "life is like a rainbow" wasn't as good as i liked it to have been. overall i thought the film was of an average standard and reasonable. i think i tried too hard for the idea and think i should of thought of a simpler subject. my video was about emotion and feeling and that is a lot to put together in a space of 5 minuets. my video did not flow as well as i had planned it. through the feedback i received some people obviously didn't understand what was going on because of the short little scenes of the actress angry on the phone then going upstairs to calm down then in another scene she is happy when she receives some presents. then there is a scene of her walking through a grave yard showing sadness and at the end, there is jealousy/ revenge of her scratching the car and trying to break the window of the car and running away. [to be continued]

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