Tuesday 14 October 2008

--The use of technology and techniques and styles

Girl chewing gum john Smith 1970
Koyaanisaqatsi- life out of balance by Gidfrey Reggio 1982
Doll Face by Any Haung 2008

Both of these films were made around the same time with a ten year’s difference. ‘Koyaanisaqatsi’ was made before ‘Girl chewing gum’ it had used more technology than ‘Girl chewing gum’ obviously the year in which the film was made wasn’t the issue but the use of equipment and budget the producers had to film both of these films. You can see Gidfrey was more experimental and spontaneous with his films with the use of imagery like bombs exploding and the effects he used. Unlike John Smith his film was based around one set and a real life film setting. The concepts of both films are good as each other even thought they are made with a ten year gap so the use of technology isn’t always the issue to make a good film however it does depend on idea and how the producer makes the film. Gidfrey Reggio had an immense access to technology like cameras, lights, setting, people, and music on the other hand John Smith didn’t have as much access as Gidfrey did to money and technology. However both films had good impression on viewers. Another film called Doll Face which was recently made had the same concept as Girl chewing gum both were made using one set without any location change; the difference were that one had more money than the other and the use of technology has expanded in time so the ‘Doll face’ film had more choice and ideas.

1 comment:

Zoyia said...

Expand the idea on the use of money to generate a film that is visually good however still has a similar meaning. Also talk about the access to technologie.